Motivation to lose weight. How to motivate yourself every day. Psychologist's advice and techniques

A lot of methods and methods are known to get rid of excess weight, but in the absence of motivation, they cannot help. Every day you need to put a lot of effort into losing weight, so the main ingredient for success on the way to achieving your goal will be proper motivation and a positive attitude.

Motivational techniques in the initial stage

The first step in losing excess weight is self-analysis. You have to highlight for yourself the main reasons why you want to get your body in shape. The desire for change, the development of willpower, health benefits, increased self-esteem - for each of them, a certain factor serves as an incentive.

At this stage, it is important to define the desired end result. The desire to lose weight for the summer season is not enough motivation. It is designed for a short period of time and is unlikely to lead to success. In order to find the strength to exercise and diet every day, you will need really serious motivation.

It will change you and your life

Very often excesses appear in those who are dissatisfied with their lives. Unloved work, lack of a significant other, fear of failure or failure, internal weakness of character - all this makes you hide your fears under a thick shell of excess weight.

You need to show determination and get rid of unnecessary anxiety. The goal will be:changing your outer self is the beginning of changing your whole life. A strong desire to improve your life will be the strongest incentive that will not allow you to give up halfway.

Health promotion

The final result depends on your personal awareness of the importance of your health.

An overweight person condemns himself to health problems in advance:

  • problems with the functioning of internal organs,
  • stagnant processes,
  • metabolic disease,
  • high load on the joints.

It should be recognized that health depends on the diet and the richness of the daily menu.

Paying attention to your health will no longer allow you to overeat or starve yourself on the way to weight loss. A great feeling of well-being, lightness in the body, good immunity - you can achieve all this if you exercise and pay attention to your diet. This is a strong motivation that helps you not to give up.

Self-affirmation in your appearance

The motivation for losing weight every day is not just a photo of a model with ideal parameters on the refrigerator door. You have to make an internal, well-founded decision that only willpower and daily work can lead to positive results.In the beginning, a proper assessment of your figure is necessary.

After identifying the main shortcomings and shortcomings, you can safely start losing weight. In this case, the uncertainty about your attraction is only good: it gives you strength every time you want to stay the same. Existing complexes should also be directed in the right direction, and remember that proper, even weight loss will help you get rid of them.

Education of willpower

Losing weight requires a lot of dedication, so you must be prepared to work long and hard. At some point, you may want to give up and feel sorry for yourself. It is at this stagethe inner self must be challenged: "Can you achieve your ideal parameters? "

Every day, willpower is strengthened, and self-satisfaction appears from the results achieved. Reluctance to be disappointed in oneself awakens a certain passion, which is followed by steps taken to achieve the goal - sports activity, proper balanced nutrition, absence of bad habits.

Setting realistic goals

The right thing to do in the initial stages of changing your shape would be to really assess the state of your body and set realistic goals. Every body reacts differently to a sudden change in its usual diet, to which exercise is added, and this should also be taken into account. Perhaps the weight will remain in one place and there will be no noticeable change in the figure.

Any weight loss process will be individual, so you need to listen to your body. Many tips to lose 15 kg in 2 weeks are nothing more than a trick.You should not expect immediate results, you should make certain efforts every day to achieve your goal.and assess your skills properly.

Write a training blog

The motivation for losing weight every day is the visual evaluation of the current changes in your figure. It is often quite difficult to notice the presence of results and appreciate them when looking in the mirror after every workout. Keeping track of your body measurements allows you to modify your weight loss process and compare your results.

To follow the diet, it is recommended to keep a diary for counting calories, where you can also enter the exercise program. By creating a personal blog, you can not only visually evaluate your achievements, but also share your successes with others. Sometimes the encouragement of others and the evaluation of others, especially positive ones, can be one of the leading motivators.

Consider a punishment and reward system

An individually developed system of rewards and punishments helps you keep yourself in good shape every day. The whole process of losing weight becomes a kind of task execution, where there will be time for praise and the manifestation of hardness of character.

Establishing meaningful punishments and rewards is very important:

Promotions Penalties
  • Buying a nice new thing
  • Procedure in a beauty salon
  • Visiting an event or significant place
  • Permission to buy a small treat
  • Cancellation of purchases
  • Additional training
  • Cold and hot shower
  • Denial of entertainment

You can also use a monetization method where you reward yourself by putting money into a piggy bank to buy a highly desirable product. As a punishment, no money is set aside for the purchase, so the time to collect the necessary amount and make the desired purchase is extended.

Old photos and favorite clothes - in clearly visible places

Everyone has at least a few photos in beautiful clothes, before the problems of excess weight arose. Choose a few of your favorites from the photos and post them in a prominent place. Every time you catch your eye, your inner strength increases to keep your weight loss on the right track.

If there are no such photos, then an inspiring selection of photos from the Internet about those who have overcome excess weight.

The picture proves once again that nothing is unrealistic and that everything can be achieved with hard work. Her favorite clothes, several sizes smaller, which once flattered her figure, are also an additional motivation to implement her plans. One of the goals can be the great desire to put on nice clothes again, instead of hiding the body in shapeless clothes.

Tell everyone about your plans

If you lose your inner energy and lack strength, the best support can be the words of encouragement from your loved ones. That's why it's worth talking about plans and goals for getting rid of excess weight. You should announce this to people you trust and trust that you won't be laughed at in the future.

From time to time, people close to you will take an interest in current affairs, notice positive changes, and help you control your desires to eat harmful and inappropriate foods. You can also choose a person from your close circle who also wants to change their shape.Overcoming difficulties together unites us and helps us reach our goals.

Think and act positively

A positive attitude is one of the basic rules. Gloomy thoughts about not being able to achieve ideal parameters do not lead to good results. Such thoughts can further damage your self-esteem and completely disable your own abilities.

In the process of losing weight, stress becomes the biggest enemy and causes stagnation in the body.Therefore, you should calm down and think positively, perceiving yourself in your current state and thinking about how you can transform it perfectly in the future.

Motivations for sticking to your diet and exercise program

Daily motivation to lose weight gives you strength for further work. Adhering to the rules of healthy eating and sports training is not an easy task. It's a daily job that requires some motivation.

The table of points for evaluating each operation allows you to clearly depict personal investments in daily work:

  1. If all points that should have been met during the day are met, the maximum number of points will be awarded.
  2. You can get 1 point for each exercise.
  3. 2 points are awarded for food corresponding to the calculated calorie content.

Points are collected over the course of a week, and if the final result does not reach the maximum, it is worth coming up with a small penalty. To earn points, you can use a reward system, where each additional action aimed at losing excess weight gives you points.

The right pace is the key to losing weight

Training in the right way is the key to losing extra pounds evenly and sustainably. When putting together a training program, you must take into account the real possibilities and avoid doing exercises to the point of exhaustion. The body perceives unexpected loads and changes in nutrition as a stressful situation.

It takes some time to get used to the new lifestyle, so you have to measure the pace. If you train intensely, your muscles may be sore the next morning and your health may deteriorate. At this stage, there may be a desire not to finish the work started.

The load should be increased after the body has become accustomed to the previous training program.

The same applies to following a diet. Cutting calories too much is not good for the body, it can lead to the development of stagnant processes and significantly worsen the psycho-emotional mood.The main rule is to follow the system at a measured and comfortable pace for the body.

Practice for fun

Exercise can improve your mood, although it is hard to believe at first glance. If your body is not used to exercise before losing weight, it is very important to introduce exercise gradually. This can be a morning exercise or an active walk in the fresh air.

For weight loss, it is very important to increase the load after the body gets used to the previous exercises. Sport should not be seen as a punishment for being overweight. Motivation for every day is a positive attitude and internal admiration for yourself after training.

Good equipment and sportswear for training

Buying new things is always exciting and enjoyable. Before starting the training, you will have the opportunity to choose the sports uniform that matches your favorite color scheme and style. New things boost your positive attitude and you definitely want to try them.

In addition to sportswear and a new pair of shoes, you can also buy additional accessories:

  • pedometer;
  • heart rate monitor;
  • Sports equipment for home sports;
  • exercise equipment.

During training, new things will surely please you and create a positive mood.

"Yes! " - favorite food, but within reasonable limits

The transition to proper nutrition and changing taste habits is not easy for everyone. It is worth noting that the diet should not be too strict - it should be as balanced as possible. Therefore, you should not immediately give up everything in favor of vegetables and fruits.

A complete ban on your favorite foods is almost guaranteed to lead to a crash, and attempts to lose weight will not lead to results.

To prepare the menu, you can turn to a specialist, who will help you create a balanced diet and fill it with not only healthy, but also tasty food. Additional help is provided by counting the calories consumed during the day. This approach allows you to make the right choice in favor of healthy foods with lower calories.

A positive attitude towards diet

The motivation for daily weight loss is a positive attitude towards nutrition. Don't think that healthy food is tasteless and monotonous. There are many recipes based on the rules of healthy eating: meat dishes, unusual desserts, delicious salads. Such foods are not only beneficial for the body, but also allow you to enjoy the flavors.

Total prohibition and constant reminders to stick to a strict diet lead to feelings of inferiority. Thereforeyou need to change your attitude towards foodand remember that a healthy diet is tasty, healthy and varied.

Motivation for daily weight loss: maintaining results

It is best to consolidate personal results and achievements not only in memory, but also in a weight loss diary.

One way to motivate yourself to stay in great shape is to capture photos of yourself before and after you lose weight.

You can use a special notebook for this, in which you can record the weekly results based on the changed parameters of your shape and weight. Observing your results is a great incentive for successful work in the future. Changes must be compared at the end of the month, as it is not always possible to achieve visible results in a week.

Weekly photo reports with achieved results

Another way to visually confirm that diet and exercise help in the fight against excess weight is photography. To do this, you can use a large mirror or ask a loved one to take a photo. It is advisable to take pictures from different angles - this will allow you to properly assess your body from the outside.

After a week of fruitful work on your body, you need to repeat the procedure - take a photo in the same pose and at the same distance from the camera. An additional incentive will appear if the results are compared 1 or even 2 months apart.

Starting new healthy habits

At first glance, following the rules of a healthy lifestyle may seem boring. To get rid of such thoughts, which can worsen the final result, you need to develop good habits. In nutrition, this can be the development of culinary skills in the preparation of new dishes, vegetarianism or other areas.

To get a new habit in sports, you can not only go to the gym and do monotonous exercises. There are a lot of areas in sports, so you are sure to find an interesting opportunity. It can be dancing, aerobics, running in the stadium, swimming.

The more interested someone is in sports, the more interested they are in the whole process of losing weight. Not only is it healthy, it's also fun.

Do not give up

Victory over laziness is victory over yourself. The beginning of change comes from a change in outlook on life. It is very important to act decisively, not to leave all attempts to lose weight at the initial stage. It should be understood that obtaining the cherished parameters of the figure is a complex, long process that requires daily effort.

A positive attitude is the main ingredient on the way to achieving the desired result.

In those moments when you are in a bad mood and don't want to work on yourself, you should remember why you wanted to lose weight. In the absence of inner strength and the loss of the desire to achieve more, it is necessary to compare previous results and evaluate the work done. In most cases, even small changes in body parameters can prompt a person to make additional efforts to achieve results.

Keeping a log of results

Keeping a notebook in which the work done and parameters changed can be a clear example of the current results.

You can write down in your diary:

  • Changes in body parameters.
  • Weight changes.
  • Personal achievements in sports.
  • Changes in the daily diet.

The results log can not only be used to record results, but also serve as additional motivation. The pages can be varied with your best photographs or pictures of people, the results of which are admirable.

Saying goodbye to big things

Body parameters will inevitably change to the right. The clothes you used before will be uncomfortable and big. Getting rid of old clothes is another positive thing. It can be given to someone, thrown away, or donated to charity. The idea that plus-size clothes are becoming redundant definitely prompts you to take further action.

Your own results are the best motivation for any person.

Without proper motivation, it is impossible to successfully achieve the goal - it causes irritation and leads to self-torture. The motivation to lose weight will give you a powerful push every day to reach your goals. A positive attitude, healthy habits, exercise and a balanced diet are the keys to success in the long journey of losing excess weight.